Donate to the Campaign
1. Online using Paypal
After filling out the form, click the button below to proceed to PayPal.
2. U.S. Mail
Please make a check payable to “Peter Rosen for HARD” and mail to:
Peter Rosen for H.A.R.D. 4663 Ewing Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Donations are NOT tax deductible. For any donation over $99, please include your name and organization.
The cost just to enter the race as a candidate for HARD Board of Directors (filing and getting a campaign statement on the ballot) will be almost $6,000. Your gift of $25, $50, $100, $500, $1000 or more will help me raise the initial funds needed to launch this campaign.
Our goal is to raise $12,000 by September 1. I am grateful for your support with this great challenge,
Peter Rosen